Wednesday, March 28, 2018

AARON THE AANT for the Odyssey2

AARON THE AANT for the Odyssey2

Hi! I'm Aaron. I'm an aant.
No, not an ant, but an aAnt -
that’s with two “A’s.”
Aand you gotta help me...
You see, I'm aawfully hungry, 
and I'm in my aanthill here. 
Some really aawesome aapples 
keep popping up in my aanthill...
This is really nice for me, 
since I love to eat aapples.
So what's the problem? 
Aadolf, a mean, evil aardvark,
is hungry as well, it aappears...
Why not feed him some aapples? 
He doesn't like them - Why? 
Aadolf would rather feast on delicious aants! 
Wait a second - I'm an aant!
He'll eat me! He'll take his tongue and burrow it in the
hole and eat me! I know, it's not very nice for him to do
this, but it is nature's way... Too bad for me!
Can you help me get my fill of aapples while I aavoid
Aadolf the aardvark's tongue?
How many aapples can
I eat before I become Aadolf the aardvark’s dinner?

AARON THE AANT! , a game for the Odyssey2 / Videopac, has been programmed by Chris Read. 
Tim Duarte is handling production cartridges, manuals, labels, boxes, and order fulfillment.
A limited run of 100 cartridges of AARON THE AANT! will be produced that are compatible with both NTSC and PAL systems.
Each game will include a 8-page Odyssey2-style manual.
Artwork for the label and manual and box insert was created and designed by Timothy Cotter.

Gameplay is very simple: Eat the aaples and aavoid the tongue!

8-page color manual and game cartridge


If you live in the USA:

please click Buy Now to purchase game cartridge and manual only:
Price: $25 (and $4 shipping)

If you live anywhere else in the world (INTERNATIONAL):

please click Buy Now to purchase game cartridge and manual only:
Price: $25 (and $15 shipping)

AARON THE AANT! is shipped via U.S. Mail.
PAYPAL payment is accepted and preferred.
Check or money order is also accepted.
Please send an email for more details.

 E-mail your questions, comments, concerns etc.

AARON THE AANT  OWNERS LIST - updated Thursday, February 6, 2025

 1. Dieter / CCC - SHIPPED
 2. Chris - SHIPPED
 3. Timdu - SHIPPED
 4. Rene_G7400 - SHIPPED
 5. ScottyDont00 - SHIPPED
 6. Minodk - SHIPPED
 7. Rafael - SHIPPED
 8. Timothy Cotter - SHIPPED
 9. Thomas - SHIPPED
 10. Ian B.  - SHIPPED
 11. Marc V.  - SHIPPED
 12. Cardinal - SHIPPED
 13. Tom31 - SHIPPED
 14. Uranus Greek - SHIPPED
 15. Ozyr  - SHIPPED
 16. Todd Kadish - SHIPPED
 17. Gerald Diermaier - SHIPPED
18. Al Backiel - RESERVED
 19. Toby St-aubin - SHIPPED
 20. Mark Tryon - SHIPPED
 21. Tim Shanks  - SHIPPED
 22. mjb - SHIPPED
 23. Immergruen - SHIPPED
 24. James Randall - SHIPPED
 25. retroshaun - SHIPPED
 26. slapdash - SHIPPED
 27. Gerhard Jungsberger - SHIPPED
 28. Justin Collins - SHIPPED
 29. David Harshberger - SHIPPED
 30. darrin9999 - SHIPPED
 31. Scott Drake - SHIPPED
 32. Steven Downey - SHIPPED
 33. Thomas Lamerana - SHIPPED
 34. Scott Hermansen - SHIPPED
 35. Jeffrey O'Connell - SHIPPED
 36. Frank Amato - SHIPPED
 37. Emilio RossoniSHIPPED
 38. Forrest Nettles - SHIPPED
 39. Remi Bojdys - SHIPPED
 40. Michael Dougherty - SHIPPED
 41. Robb AlveySHIPPED
 42. Tommy Vernale - SHIPPED
 43. Marco Lazzeri - SHIPPED
 44. John Mezzacappa - SHIPPED
 45. Ian Reid - SHIPPED
 46. Jimmy Bertelsen - SHIPPED
 47. Jacques Villeneuve - SHIPPED
 48. Thomas Nikolaidis - SHIPPED
 49. Jasen Reeder - SHIPPED
 50. Alberto Ortega - SHIPPED
 51. Roberto Reis Sordi - SHIPPED
 52. Joe Plochl - SHIPPED
 53. Mike Reedy

 54. Jim Melcher - SHIPPED
 55. Günther Karall SHIPPED
 56. Thierry Burnel - SHIPPED
 57. Casey Nydahl - SHIPPED
 58. Sten Linnsen - SHIPPED
 59. Sal Efici Jr. - SHIPPED
 60. Derek Christenson - SHIPPED
 61. Chris Mikos SHIPPED
 62. Aaron Hibbs SHIPPED
 63. Brad Leahy - SHIPPED
 64. Tim Johnson - SHIPPED
65. Eric Skarman - SHIPPED
 88. Dietmar Strickert - SHIPPED
 100. Manopac  - SHIPPED


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

FATSO! for the Odyssey2

Eat all the cookies! Eat all the pretzels! Eat all you can and you'll be fine. 
Sounds easy, right? You must avoid eating the pink pickles. 
Avoid them because they're deadly! 
The object of FATSO! is to eat all of the foods without eating a pink pickle...
Eat a pink pickle and the game is over!
How many calories can you amass?

2600 Connection is proud to offer the Odyssey2/Videopac game from Chris Read - FATSO!  Previously known for his Atari VCS/2600 games (Gosub, Alien Greed, Stacker, Zyx), FATSO! is Chris' first game for the Odyssey2, inspired by the Telesys Atari VCS/2600 game Fast Food.

A limited run of 30 boxed copies of FATSO! were first produced and sold by Marc Verraes ( in May 2012.  After those sold, a second edition of 26 more were sold (each cartridge denoted with a letter of A through Z). Fast forward to 2014. When Marc asked 2600 Connection about releasing another run of WILDLIFE!, we worked out a deal so we could release an unlimited, unnumbered version of FATSO!

Now we are happy to allow gamers who missed out on this game to purchase one.  It's the same game and manual, except it does not have a serial number. The label has a little different style and the manual has some additional text. We call this the unlimited release of FATSO!  So what are you waiting for?  Put on your "eating pants" and get yours today!

In FATSO!, you move the blue mouth around with the joystick.
Food appears from the left and moves towards the right.
In the screen above, a deadly pink pickle has just been avoided.

Odyssey2 version cartridge and manual

Special thanks to :

Marc Verraes for this youtube video of the game and for game manual advice.
Sebastien Dorismont for game manual and label artwork.
Rene van den Enden for technical support.


PAYPAL payment is accepted and preferred.

If you live in the USA:
Price: $25 (and $4 shipping)
click Buy Now to purchase

If you live anywhere else in the world:
Price: $25 (and $15 shipping)
click Buy Now to purchase

FATSO! is shipped via U.S. Mail.
Check or money order is also accepted.
Please send an email for more details.

E-mail your questions, comments, concerns etc.

Monday, March 26, 2018

NICE ICE! for the Odyssey2 / Videopac


It's almost Christmas... it will be here before you know it! However...
Do you know about the mischief that's going on up at the North Pole?

Oh no! Eli the Elf has freed Santa's reindeer and now they have flown to the other side of Santa's magic pool.

What's worse is that Santa doesn't even know how to swim!  Lucky for him, there are floating chunks of ice that Santa can use to cross the pool and rescue the reindeer back to safety.  But that evil Eli the Elf will try to stop Santa because he hates Christmas!  How many reindeer can you help Santa save?

NICE ICE was programmed by Chris Read.  Scott Stilphen is handling the production of cartridges and Tim Duarte is handling production of the manuals and labels.  A limited run of 100 serial-numbered cartridges of NICE ICE! will be produced that are compatible with both NTSC and PAL systems.  Each game will include a professional-styled color manual. 
Artwork for the box, manual cover and cartridge label was created and designed by Timothy Cotter.

NICE ICE! features a nifty title screen.

Santa plans how to avoid Eli and rescue the reindeer.

So close to completing his mission, but Eli the Evil Elf stands in the way!

a color 4-page printed  manual and game cartridge is included


PAYPAL payment is accepted and preferred.

If you live in the USA:
Price: $29 (and $5 shipping)
click Buy Now to purchase

If you live anywhere else in the world:
Price: $29 (and $15 shipping)
click Buy Now to purchase

NICE ICE is shipped via U.S. Mail.
Check or money order is also accepted.
Please send an email for more details.

E-mail your questions, comments, concerns etc.

OWNER LIST - updated Sunday, September 10, 2023

 1. Timothy Cotter - SHIPPED
 2. Chris Read - SHIPPED
 3. Tim Duarte - SHIPPED
 4. Ozyr - SHIPPED
 5. Al Backiel - SHIPPED
 6. Gerald Diermaier - SHIPPED
 7. Shaun Stephenson - SHIPPED
 8. Dietmar Strickert - SHIPPED
 9. Ptol - SHIPPED
 11. Jeffrey Rothkopf - SHIPPED
 12. Alex Lehmann - SHIPPED
 13. Tom31 - SHIPPED
 14. Mark Bodiella - SHIPPED
 15. Tom Morrison - SHIPPED
 16. Marc Verraes - SHIPPED
 17. Brian Clements - SHIPPED
18. Steven Downey - SHIPPED
 19. Scott Drake - SHIPPED
 20. Uranus Greek - SHIPPED
 21. Mark Tryon - SHIPPED
 22. James Randall - SHIPPED
 23. Rene van den Enden - SHIPPED
 24. Thomas Becker - SHIPPED
 25. Jeffrey O'Connell - SHIPPED
 26. Mario Faiad - SHIPPED
 28. David Harshbarger - SHIPPED
 29. Immergruen - SHIPPED
 30. Luke Sandel - SHIPPED
 31. Ian Baronofsky - SHIPPED
 32. Jeremy Stockman - SHIPPED
 33. Justin Collins - SHIPPED
 34. Michael Tausendpfund - SHIPPED
 35. Geoffrey Cox - SHIPPED
 36. Toby St-aubin - SHIPPED
 37. Karl Illetschko - SHIPPED
 38. Michael Noergaard - SHIPPED
 39. Samuel Bushman - SHIPPED
 40. John Linville - SHIPPED
 41. Ted Bowser - SHIPPED
 42. Russ Perry Jr. - SHIPPED
 43. Billy Kostovski - SHIPPED
 44. Billy Kostovski - SHIPPED
 45. Doug Palmer- SHIPPED
 46. Todd Kadish - SHIPPED
 47. Brian Sutter - SHIPPED
 48. Tim Shanks - SHIPPED
 49. Thomas Lamerana - SHIPPED
 50. Martijn Wenting - SHIPPED
 51. Darrin9999  - SHIPPED
 52. Billy Kostovski - SHIPPED
 53. Billy Kostovski - SHIPPED
 54. Billy Kostovski - SHIPPED
 55. Christophe Pultz - SHIPPED
 56. Remi Bojdys -  SHIPPED
 57. Michael Dougherty - SHIPPED
 58. Frank Amato - SHIPPED
 59. Emilio Rossoni  - SHIPPED
 60. Jacques Villeneuve - SHIPPED
 61. Ian Reid - SHIPPED
 62. Ron Patterson - SHIPPED
 63. Thomas Nikolaidis - SHIPPED
 64. Joe Plochl - SHIPPED
 65. Roberto Reis Sordi - SHIPPED
 66. Sebastien Martre - RESERVED
 67. Mike Reedy - SHIPPED
 68. Andrew Allison - SHIPPED
 69. John Hancock - SHIPPED
 70. Robb AlveySHIPPED
 71. Steven Lord SHIPPED
 72. John MezzacappaSHIPPED
 73. Joseph BuchanSHIPPED
 74. Günther KarallSHIPPED
 75. Casey Nydahl - SHIPPED
 76. Sten Linssen - SHIPPED
 77. Sebastien Martre - RESERVED
 78. Sal Efici Jr. SHIPPED
 79. Marchal Magee  SHIPPED
 80. Chris Mikos SHIPPED
 85. Scott Vanderpool - SHIPPED
 100. Manopac - SHIPPED

Sunday, March 25, 2018

DEATH RACE for the Odyssey2 / Videopac

It's fascinating!  It's fun chasing monsters!

DEATH RACE pits the player against an intelligent acting, evasive, running Gremlin. Unlike most "player versus machine" games, the "machine" in this case does not simply repeat an action or sequence, but actually "sees", "thinks", and "acts" as intelligently (and even more rapidly) than would another player. The result of this is that each game is a new and different experience.

The object of the game is simple. Hit a Gremlin and you win a point. There are two Gremlins running around the playing field in a random fashion. They are intelligent robots in every sense and will avoid all objects so long as they can see a way to escape. You drive one of two cars which are completely under your control. You can steer them anywhere in any direction within the playing field; move forward in low or high gear; and move in reverse when necessary. You can drive as fast, but no faster than the Gremlins can run.

When you hit a Gremlin, a tombstone (cross) will appear and remain in that same spot until the game is over and a new game begun. Whenever you hit a Gremlin on the playing field, the cross will remain. Thus, each game creates its own totally random and different maze of crosses that each player must steer through while chasing the Gremlins. The more hits, the more crosses; the more crosses, the harder the steering becomes. Thus, it becomes increasingly difficult to maneuver as your skill increases.

Death Race is a 4K game for 1 or 2 players, and was programmed by Ivan Machado - his first Odyssey 2 game!  Ivan also recreated the original artwork that was done by Pat Peak for the Exidy coin-op version.  Scott Stilphen handled the production of carts and Tim Duarte handled production of the manuals and boxes. All three gentlemen worked together on the manual.

A limited run of 100 boxed copies of DEATH RACE were produced that are compatible with NTSC systems.  Each game includes a professional-styled manual. These 100 boxed copies of the game quickly sold out.

We are happy to release the "unlimited edition" of DEATH RACE. It does not have a serial number.

The game is for 1 or 2 players.

As more crosses fill the screen, the harder it becomes to drive around.

VHS-style storage box with color printed insert, color manual, and game cartridge

Please note:  the crosses aren't appearing correctly in this youtube video, but that's due
to how the video was made, and not a glitch in the game itself.


PAYPAL payment is accepted and preferred.

If you live in the USA:
Price: $35 (and $6 shipping)
click Buy Now to purchase

If you live anywhere else in the world:
Price: $35 (and $15 shipping)
click Buy Now to purchase

DEATH RACE "unlimited edition" is shipped via U.S. Mail.
Check or money order is also accepted.
Please send an email for more details.

E-mail your questions, comments, concerns etc.

OWNERS LIST - updated Sunday, July 26, 2015

 1. Ivan Machado - SHIPPED
 2. Rafael - SHIPPED
 3. Tim Duarte - SHIPPED
 4. Rene_G7400 - SHIPPED
 5. Chris Read - SHIPPED
 6. Mark Bodiella - SHIPPED
 7. Ozyr - SHIPPED
 8. Shaun Stephenson - SHIPPED
 9. Uranus Greek - SHIPPED
 10. Thomas Becker - SHIPPED
 11. Al Backiel - SHIPPED
 12. Scott Drake - SHIPPED
 13. Bob King - SHIPPED
 14. Scott Manns - SHIPPED
 15. Tom Morrison - SHIPPED
 16. Flemming Dupont- SHIPPED
 17. Brian Clements - SHIPPED
 18. William Hoyt - SHIPPED
 19. Geoffrey Cox - SHIPPED
 20. Timothy Cotter - SHIPPED
 21. Rick Reynolds - SHIPPED
 22. William Culver - SHIPPED
 23. Jeremy Jarnagin - SHIPPED
 24. Tracy Webber - SHIPPED
 25. Bill Loguidice - SHIPPED
 26. Mario Faiad - SHIPPED
 27. Raymond Francel - SHIPPED
 28. Steven Downey - SHIPPED
 29. John Linville - SHIPPED
 30. Darrin9999 - SHIPPED
 31. Gerald Diermaier - SHIPPED
 32. Paul Nurminen - SHIPPED
 33. Dana Eiler - SHIPPED
 34. Jeffrey O'Connell - SHIPPED
 35. John Reder - SHIPPED
 36. Mark Tryon - SHIPPED
 37. Fabio Giampietro - SHIPPED
 38. Estil Vance - SHIPPED
 39. Estil Vance - SHIPPED
 40. Jeffrey Rothkopf - SHIPPED
 41. David Harshbarger - SHIPPED
 42. Russ Perry Jr. - SHIPPED
 43. Marc Verraes - SHIPPED
 44. Stephen Mercer - SHIPPED
 45. James Randall - SHIPPED
 46. Ian Baronofsky - SHIPPED
 47. Jeremy Stockman - SHIPPED
 48. Luke Sandel - SHIPPED
 49. Scott Cobb - SHIPPED
 50. Mark Wolongevicz - SHIPPED
 51. Jack Kerrigan - SHIPPED
 52. John Hancock - SHIPPED
 53. Tom Durst - SHIPPED
 54. Justin Collins - SHIPPED
 55. Sean Jackson - SHIPPED
 56. David Mrozek - SHIPPED
 57. Jeffrey Dalzell - SHIPPED
 58. Alex Sweers - SHIPPED
 59. Bruce Clarke - SHIPPED
 60. Todd Kadish - SHIPPED
 61. Shane Lucey - SHIPPED
 62. Bill Combs - SHIPPED
 63. Toby St-aubin - SHIPPED
 64. Patricia Rubino - SHIPPED
 65. Karl Illetschko - SHIPPED
 66. Sebastien Martre - SHIPPED
 67. Doug Palmer - SHIPPED
 68. Brian Lindemuth - SHIPPED
 69. Michael Noergaard - SHIPPED
 70. Jeffrey Kauffman - SHIPPED
 71. Billy Kostovski - SHIPPED
 72. Raymond Castro - SHIPPED
 73. Billy Kostovski - SHIPPED
 74. Kris Czarnota - SHIPPED
 75. Donald Switzer - SHIPPED
 76. Matt Griffin - SHIPPED
 77. Sebastien Martre - SHIPPED
 78. Bryan Gruszka - SHIPPED
 79. Chris Spurgeon - SHIPPED
 80. James Paterson - SHIPPED
 81. Brian Gordon - SHIPPED
 82. Lee Bushley - SHIPPED
 83. Billy Kostovski - SHIPPED
 84. Russell Gitter - SHIPPED
 85. Scott Vanderpool - SHIPPED
 86. Billy Kostovski - SHIPPED
 87. Billy Kostovski - SHIPPED
 88. Dietmar Strickert - SHIPPED
 89. Maria Frias - SHIPPED
 90. Billy Kostovski - SHIPPED
 91. Billy Kostovski - SHIPPED
 92. Billy Kostovski - SHIPPED
 93. Billy Kostovski - SHIPPED
 94. Billy Kostovski - SHIPPED
 95. Billy Kostovski - SHIPPED
 96. Billy Kostovski - SHIPPED
 97. Billy Kostovski - SHIPPED
 98. Billy Kostovski - SHIPPED
 99. Martijn Wenting - SHIPPED
 100. Manopac - SHIPPED

Check out this great youtube video review of DEATH RACE from Willie of "The Wizards of Odyssey2 Podcast."

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© 2016 CollectorVision Games ALL RIGHT RESERVED